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About Me

Meet Chelsee Joy Salvino

She is the person behind Walkwithstyle. A twenty-ish spontaneous travel blogger from Manila. She is currently making memories while  traveling around the world, understanding the culture and experiencing life to the fullest. Conquering her greatest fears and ticking her bucket list is one of her goals in life. She is a scholar ng bayan. A graduate of Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in General Science in Philippine Normal University. A Licensed Professional Teacher. Aspiring scientist and astrophysicist and a pursuant of higher degree. 

She always dare to live life she always wanted. She is fearless and she seeks to experience everyday things as it is for the first time. She is passionate in teaching and traveling. This blog is her diary of her journey in life. She hopes that you enjoy reading her blog and you become more inspired to seek more adventure. She thanks you from the bottom of her pericardium by dropping by her site. 

To more adventures?

Follow her for more adventures in Instagram and facebook.

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