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Jul 23, 2017


Matawe Tidelands, Aurora
It has been 7 months since my last post about my recent trip to the Philippines. Finally, despite of a hectic schedule that I have right now, I still manage to update my blog. This is just a short update about my life lately. I've been through ups and downs and I'm still
thankful that I'm still alive and kicking despite of negativities that I'm feeling right now. Let me just ask you an important question, "how are you today?", "are you okay?", "do you still feel happy with your life?" - the same question that I'm asking myself. I bet you're reading this probably because you're just bored or you're one of my student (stalking huh hehe).  

Like what I've said a while ago, I've been through ups and downs in my life.. I begin to question myself if I'm still happy. I'm always tired when I got home. I don't have me-time. Less scheduled travel because of my work. I'm so exhausted. Emotionally and physically drained and still thankful that I'm not spiritually drained. I know myself. I just wanna breathe. I just want to travel and go away from the hustle and bustle of Manila. I just want a new trip AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

But you know what? It's great because I always feel that I'm not alone struggling in life. I'm always an attendee of FeastMnl and its a great help for me specially in coping with the struggles in life. 

Still wishing that I have more time to continue my blog (coz' you know that being a teacher is a calling and you need to put first things first). To be honest, I do have a lot of pending backlogs (almost 15 recent trips), I believe when I have more time I will publish again a new travel blog. Hopefully... very soon...

Til' next time. x

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